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Posts tagged as “Astronomical Research”

The largest black hole ever found can fit 30 billion suns, discovered with gravity and bent light

In a recent groundbreaking achievement, astronomers have identified a colossal black hole residing within the Abell 1201 galaxy cluster. This astronomical giant weighs in at a staggering 30 billion solar masses, pushing the boundaries of our understanding of the universe's most mysterious phenomena. This discovery is not just about size; it's the black hole's inactive state that is captivating scientists globally, offering new insights into the lifecycle of these cosmic behemoths.

From Radiant Suns to White Dwarfs: The Transformative Impact on Surrounding Planets

Explore the fascinating journey of stars as they transition from the main sequence to becoming white dwarfs, and uncover the dramatic effects this transformation has on their planetary systems. From the engulfing of inner planets to the survival of distant worlds, this deep dive reveals the cosmic ballet of destruction and survival, shedding light on the enduring legacy of stars long after their light fades.

Newly Discovered Exoplanet Revealed: An Oceanic World Double Earth’s Size

Discover the enigmatic exoplanet TOI-733b, a rare, ocean-covered world twice Earth's size, offering new insights into the mysteries of planet formation and the intriguing 'radius valley'. Explore how this distant planet, discovered by NASA's TESS telescope, might hold key answers to the evolution of celestial bodies in the universe.